Only those with eyes like a hawk can spot the number 5878 in less than 10 seconds

Only those with hawk-like eyesight can solve this tricky brainteaser in under 10 seconds.

A rectangle full of the number 5078 and one 5878

Only those with hawk-like eyesight can solve this brainteaser in under 10 seconds (Image: FreshersLive)

Brainteasers are a great way to test the mind and push one of the body’s most important muscles to its limits.

They can come in many different forms, they can be observational, mathematical, or analytical.

This brainteaser by FreshersLive is an example of an observational brainteaser.

In the graphic above you have several rows and columns of the number 5078.

Your task is to try and find the number 5878 among them. If you can spot it in under 10 seconds you might have hawk-like eyesight.

The answer to the brainteaser

The answer to the brainteaser (Image: FreshersLive)

Did you spot the odd one out? No worries if not, the answer is above.

While brainteasers can be a fun way to kill time on the morning commute or in a waiting room, they could play a crucial role in psychological health.

In the same way cycling and running help to exercise the muscles in the legs and keep them healthy brainteasers and other brain puzzles such as crosswords can do the same for the mind.

Keeping the mind exercised is allegedly one of the best ways to reduce your chances of developing a neurological condition such as dementia.

This isn’t to say that brainteasers can stop you from developing the condition, other factors can play a much bigger role, but they could help keep the mind sharp in the long term.

Dementia is one of the biggest health crises facing the UK and teams around the UK are working to improve diagnosis times and find a cure for the disease.

According to some experts blood tests which could help diagnose dementia could be ruled out on the NHS in around five years.

NHS consultant Dr Joanne Rodda said: “It will need to be as part of a whole assessment, not simply a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ test. They will help us to make more specific, accurate diagnoses, at an earlier stage.”

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