Only those with the sharpest eyes can spot the scissors in 10 seconds or less

Brainteasers are one of the best ways to push one of the body's most important organs to its limits and improve mental sharpness.

A graphic set in an operating theatre just before surgery

Only people with the sharpest eyesight can solve this brainteaser (Image: Soliant)

Brainteasers are a fantastic way to kill time on the morning commute or in a waiting room.

They can come in many different forms too. They can be observational, analytical, or mathematical.

The latest brainteaser from Soliant is a type of observational brainteaser. In the image above you have a group of four surgeons about to perform an operation.

Your task is to try and spot a pair of surgical scissors, a bone, and a syringe in among all the medical paraphernalia as quickly as you can.

The answer to the brainteaser

The answer to the brainteaser (Image: Soliant )

Did you spot the items? No worries if not. The items in question are scattered across the image from the top right-hand corner to the bottom left, and even in the hands of one of the surgeons.

This is a great example of the creativity on show in brainteasers and the ability of their creators to devise a diverse range of tests.

What’s more, while brainteasers may seem like a brief distraction from travelling or a way to use up time in a waiting room, they could have some long-term benefits.

In the same way that running or cycling exercises the muscles in the legs, so too do brainteasers exercise your psychological muscles. As a result, this could lead to greater mental sharpness and potentially reduce your risk of dementia in the future.

This isn’t to say that brainteasers can stop you from developing dementia, other factors can have a much bigger impact, but they could help someone build on their mental acuity.

Dementia is one of the UK’s biggest health problems and the number of patients living with the condition is rising. However, according to one doctor taking vitamin D supplements every day could help reduce your risk of the condition.

Gloucestershire Live reported that Dr William Grant said: “All the evidence regarding cardiometabolic diseases, cancer, diabetes, infectious diseases and pregnancy outcomes shows that you need a blood level of vitamin D above 75 nmol/L to be healthy, and the same is proving true for the brain."

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