Humiliated dad forced to get tattoo on his forehead after losing bet to son

The foolish father claimed he could beat his son in a game of Fortnite but soon regretted the bold claim he made.

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A humiliated dad agreed to get a tattoo of the video game Fortnite on his forehead after losing a bet to his son.

Donny Manco was left stunned when he succumbed to defeat during an exchange he had with son Memphis.

The 50-year-old said he believed he could beat Memphis, 23, in a game of Fortnite - and as a forfeit, the loser would have to get the game's logo tattooed on their face.

And unfortunately for Donny, he was left Fortnite-faced.

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Donny's new tattoo was revealed on Instagram

Donny's new tattoo was revealed on Instagram (Image: INSTAGRAM)

The father went to a tattoo parlour after losing the bet and got the design emblazoned across his face, just above an eyebrow.

Though Donny didn't mind his new look, his wife was unimpressed.

During a video, she confronted Donny about the ink.

She raged: "Why would you do that to your f***ing face? Fornite? Fortnite?!"

The father and his wife embroiled in a furious exchange of words

The father and his wife embroiled in a furious exchange of words (Image: INSTAGRAM)

Memphis told viewers that despite some believing the video to be fake, it was just how the Manco family handled itself.

He said: "In this household, we don't do things by halves; we go all-in, no half sends. Judging by the constant tears of joy, it seems Dad's face canvas is a masterpiece that keeps on giving.

"Why Fortnite, you ask? It was the battlefield of choice in our household's epic saga of sibling rivalry and conquest.

"I thrive on turning family competitions into living art. Mum was blindsided by the surprise facial ink show; a plot twist that left her both shocked and intrigued."

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The son added: "The ink saga doesn't end here - Dad's now in contemplation mode, plotting the next chapter of his tattooed narrative."

Another to carry out a similarly shocking online stunt was Ana Stanskovsky.

She debuted her tattoo of her boyfriend's name on her forehead - though she eventually went back on the stunt.

She said: "All I want to say is that I regret my tattoo...but not this one," she said as she pointed to the Kevin design. Because this is not actually a real tattoo.

"And the reason why I tricked the whole internet is that I have a message to young people and all of the people who want to get covered in tattoos.

"I want everyone to know that I regret my tattoos and you might regret yours when you get older."

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