Mum-of-five declares 'enough is enough' after waking up every day at 4.30am to do chores

The mother has thrown in the towel and will no longer wait on her big family.

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A mother-of-five who spends mammoth 18-hour days waiting on her family and ensuring their house is spotless, has decided "enough is enough".

Laura Ben Salem has decided she will no longer take on the never-ending process of household chores, shopping, cleaning, cooking and looking after the children.

Instead, she is ditching the 4.30am starts and 10.30pm finishes.

As part of a new Channel 5 documentary, Laura is set to remove herself from her family responsibilities - which include looking after herself, her husband, five children, her parents and two dogs.

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Laura and her huge family get ready for the show

Laura and her huge family get ready for the show (Image: CHANNEL 5)

In Britain, around two-thirds of households see the responsibility of managing the home fall on one person, meaning things can often reach a head.

Appearing on Channel 5's new reality show Wife on Strike, Laura explains that prior to the programme she was a people pleaser who tried to keep everyone happy.

She said: "I can't use that word NO."

The 37-year-old Londoner is among three featured women on the broadcast, which gives a new insight into the pressures experienced within family life.

A housewife deciding which clothes to get rid of

A housewife deciding which clothes to get rid of (Image: GETTY)

She explains how she also takes her husband of 16 years, Wassim, on his daily commute from their home in Greenwich to the city.

But what does she get in return? When he arrives back, he likes to have a rest as opposed to mucking in and helping out.

She said: "As soon as he gets home from work he'll go straight upstairs.

"He doesn't cook, he doesn't clean, he doesn't hoover, he doesn't make the bed, he doesn't do the washing, he doesn't do the drying, he doesn't put the clothes away."

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According to Wassim, because is from a traditional Tunisian family, this is the only way of life he has known, adding: "I've been brought up in a family that (sic) the mother she’ll look after the children, she'll look after the husband, she'll look after the house.

"The husband he'll work hard to provide for the family. I work in the city. When I come back I wanna rest a little bit."

But Laura said "enough is enough" and that she wasn't going to keep up her current lifestyle.

She continued: "I say it all the time, all the time, that's it I’ve had enough. ‘Ahh yeah, where you gonna go?’ And before I've even finished having this little paddy, they're all standing at my car waiting for me.

"I've really had enough. I'm sick and tired of all the work that I keep doing. Putting others first,…I need to see some changes before I can return."

Laura will leave the family home for a week, with the responsibilities being left to Wassim, who said: "It's gonna be Wassim's sweet dictatorship. One dinner for everyone and if they don't like it, tough."

The episode is available to watch on My5.

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