Ann Widdecombe

Ann Widdecombe is a renowned author and British politician, serving as a Conservative Party MP from 1987 to 2010. She is also known for her appearances on reality TV shows like Strictly Come Dancing.

Railing against chiefs creating chaos on line says Ann Widdecombe

After another two nightmare journeys I am beginning to believe that Great Western Railway couldn't run a whelk stall, never mind a major railway line.

I'm always prepared for the worst when it comes to train travel

I'm always prepared for the worst when it comes to train travel (Image: Getty)

Last Wednesday I went up to London on a train which was supposed to arrive at Paddington at 3.28pm. It never arrived there at all, as we were all thrown out at Reading after a long series of delays.

The only reason I got to my appointment in central London at all was that I had the foresight, born of long experience, to leave two hours from the time of alleged arrival until I was due there.

Thursday was even worse as I sought to return to Devon in the wake of the storm. All my trains were cancelled but GWR maintained the fiction that there were still trains to Exeter right up till 20 minutes before boarding when suddenly the departure board said Taunton.

I joined the queue for information and was told “no trains beyond Taunton tonight” so I asked why we had consistently been told that the 4.35 was going to Exeter.

“I don’t know,” sighed the official wearily “I was wondering why they were saying that”. I asked if GWR was laying on buses but he said, no, because the roads were flooded. Perhaps I should have asked if they were laying on boats.

So, being lucky enough to find a car service that would meet me at Taunton and knew of no floods on those roads, I boarded the train which proceeded to linger at Reading before an announcement that we were being re-routed and passengers for some intervening stations should leave the train. Heaven help the poor souls who were trying to get to Penzance or St. Austell. Perhaps they spent the night on Taunton station.

I understand that the storm meant normal service was not possible but what I find so dispiriting is the stream of incorrect information and last-minute alterations.

Indeed, I regularly find information on the internet that GWR does not give until much later. The train staff are terrific. The railway management sums up Britain in 2023: chaotic, panicky and dismissive

I understand Pakistan.

We can all remember the chaotic scenes in 2021 when Nato forces suddenly left Afghanistan, and we all remember how there was a last-minute scramble to rescue the Afghan interpreters despite our having had many years to organise safe refuge for them and how consequently many were left behind to the tender mercies ofthe Taliban.

Some died, some are still in hiding and some escaped to Pakistan, which took them in on a temporary basis while waiting for Britain to fulfil its promise to offer them settlement here.

Of course we did what we usually do these days: dash all. So now Pakistan has lost patience and I do not blame it.

So yet again there is a last-minute panic and ministers are “frantically” trying to evacuate thousands of these brave souls who put their lives on the line for us, who are easily identifiable by their commanding officers or British officials and who were promised safety.

Meanwhile illegal immigrants are swanning along in expensive hotels. Madness. Perfidious Albion or rather lazy, perfidious British government.

I'm estatic!

As usual at this time of year when the first chills have set in, the days are shortening and the leaves are falling, we start to hear about people who suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and who dread winter.

I love winter as I love all the seasons and I would hate to live in a country where the climate and the vegetation were the same all the year round.

Like most people, I feel my spirits rise at the first shooting of spring bulbs, at the splendour of colours in summer gardens and the golden leaves of autumn – but winter has felt special since childhood when there was no central heating and warmth came from crackling log fires, Christmas was eagerly anticipated and I went to bed in fleecy-lined Ladybird pyjamas (remember those?).

Snow seemed to come every winter in those days and was always exciting. For some reason my love affair with the winter season has continued into old age, albeit that these days snow means difficult driving, Christmas has become a feat of organisation and the eco-lobby has declared war on logs and coal.

SAD? I’m ecstatic.

What a mess.

What an unseemly spectacle it is of civil servants and advisers attacking their ministers as the Covid Inquiry takes evidence. Matt Hancock is alleged to have considered it his prerogative to decide who lived and who died.

Well, of course no minister should interfere in purely clinical decisions but if the crisis had ever reached a point where, for example, it was proposed to give the young priority over the old then that would have been a decision for government.

Fortunately such a horror never arose but if it had then Hancock would indeed have had the lead responsibility.

As for the profanity in WhatsApp messages, let us all grow up. A lot of men swear when under severe pressure. In 2013, I defended in this column the Oxford cox in the Boat Race who roared at his team “Be ******* tenacious!” Dear heaven, he was commanding a boat-load of athletes in a win or lose situation.

What was he supposed to say, I asked, “prithee, sweet oarsmen, do row a little faster”? If that was pressure, it was nothing compared with trying to handle a pandemic of such proportions.

What matters is not who insulted whom but which decisions were right and which wrong so that we know next time.

Elementary, is it not?

I am not sure what to make of Nadine Dorries’ account of the defenestration of Boris Johnson.

At times it rings true but at others it sounds as if she is having her leg pulled by some latter day Carl Beech, whose fantasies were so easily swallowed by gullible police in Operation Midland.

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