Leo McKinstry

Leo McKinstry is a British author and journalist, noted for his extensive coverage of British and Irish history and best-selling sporting biographies. Since 2005 he has been a columnist for the Daily Express.

Chaos should serve as a clarion call for change, says Leo McKinstry

A mood of profound solemnity prevailed in the heart of the capital yesterday, as the King led the traditional Remembrance Sunday ceremony at the Cenotaph to honour the fallen.

Veterans hold wreaths as they attend the Remembrance Sunday ceremony at the Cenotaph on Whitehall

Veterans hold wreaths as they attend the Remembrance Sunday ceremony at the Cenotaph on Whitehall (Image: AP)

What should have been a moment for reflection and respect was turned into an arena of fear and friction. It was a disgrace that the organisers decided to go ahead with it at all on Remembrance Day.

Their move was a deliberately provocative act that was never going to achieve anything beyond revealing their disdain for our history and narcissistic self-importance about parading their political views.

The far-right and far-left are opposite sides of the same coin – united by their authoritarianism, intolerance, collusion with violence and fixation with ethnic identities.

The tragedy of modern Britain is that some aspects of their warped ideologies have been allowed to develop a grip on our civic culture by the supine British state which has failed to protect our borders, uphold our values or promote social cohesion.

As a result, the character of our nation is changing rapidly.

Only a couple of decades ago it would have been unthinkable for Remembrance Day to be hijacked by political hardliners.

But the fallout from the Gazan crisis has highlighted the deepening fissures in our land, as solidarity gives way to separatism. The only way this slide can be reversed is if the political class restores faith in real equality and liberal democracy.

In terms of practical policing that means treating all citizens equally rather than indulging in so-called “community engagement”. When he founded the Metropolitan Police in 1829, Sir Robert Peel state that the new force should retain approval “not by pandering to public opinion but by constantly demonstrating absolutely impartial service to the law”.

It is time to restore that ethos.

Under the guise of promoting better relations, far too much influence has been given to self-appointed community leaders. Indeed, throughout the criminal justice system, there are advisory panels and committees ­riddled with race campaigners.

That should be dismantled, as should staff networks like the Association of Muslim Police and the Metro­politan Black Police Asso­ciation, which help to create hierarchies of victimhood and feed divisions.

Instead of wallowing in fashionable woke dogmas about “micro-aggressions”, an “unconscious bias”, the police and courts should concentrate on instances of genuine racism, such as the current surge in anti-Semitism.

Sir Trevor Phillips recently wrote of the social damage caused by the liberal belief that “tribal identity should be privileged above national unity”.

That trend can be seen in the public sector’s fetish about cultural diversity. The transformation is further fuelled by the lurch in mass immigration, now running at more than 1.2 million new arrivals a year.

At that level of upheaval, integration becomes an impossible dream. Remembrance weekend has shown that the fabric and soul of Britain is in peril. The chaos should serve as a clarion call for change.

From the two minutes’ silence to the veterans’ marchpast, every element of this evocative occasion was carried out with dignity and precision, creating a fitting tribute to those heroes who made the supreme sacrifice on our behalf.

The contrast with the previous 24 hours was stark. Held every year on November 11, Armistice Day has been a sacred landmark in our national calendar since 1919.

But on Saturday, it was marred by sickening displays of extremism ­as yet another march was held for Palestine.

If Remembrance Sunday’s perfectly executed ­rituals showed Britain at its best, then Armistice Day’s thuggery and intimidation revealed the worst in our bitterly divided political culture.

Devoid of any reverence for our past heroes, rightwing thugs caused mayhem in central London, particularly when they charged the police cordon around the Cenotaph.

They like to think of themselves as defenders of British nationhood, but, in their aggression and abuse, they are the enemies of true patriotism.

Yet the anti-Israeli mob cannot claim the moral high ground. During their march, repeated anti-Semitic chants and calls for Israel’s destruction filled the air.

The racial hatred was typified by one protester who openly declared that “Hitler knew how to deal with these people”. Far from passing off peaceably, as much of the media has claimed, Saturday brought shame to this country.

Altogether the police had to make 126 arrests, most of them right-wing activists.

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