Chilling look inside apocalyptic abandoned hospital with blood on the floors

TikTok stars have shared a chilling tour of an abandoned hospital after they found blood on the floor and 'radioactive material'.

TikTokers explore abandoned hospital

TikTok stars explored an abandoned hospital and found blood on the floors (Image: TikTok/shaneboyerr)

A pair of urban explorers took a chilling tour of an abandoned hospital and was shocked to find pools of blood, "radioactive material" and medical documents.

The TikTok video posted by Shane Boyer, showed a pair walking around the US hospital first coming across a dentist-style chair surrounded with pools of blood before finding tons of old documents and other medical equipment.

They can be seen pushing one of the hospital's wheelchairs around its abandoned wards before finding a number of bottles marked "radioactive material".

A number of photos of hospital staff and patients are also found before the explorers roam around disused operating theatres.

At one point the camera zooms in on the girl who gives a shocked expression as she looks on at the blood-soaked rooms.

It seems most of the building's electrics are still live with the pair turning on lights and even operating electric doors.

Some parts of the hospital appear to be flooded, while others are marked 'surgical masks must be worn beyond this point'.

The video finishes with the girl falling out of the wheelchair while skidding across the building's slippery floors.

TikTokers pushing a wheelchair through the hospital

TikTokers pushed each other around the hospital in one of its wheelchairs (Image: TikTok/shaneboyerr)
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Followers were both shocked at the pair's findings and also concerned about their safety in the hospital.

One commenter replied: "Never go to abandoned buildings with power left."

While another added: "Hospitals are the creepiest ones to explore in my opinion because you get to see a lot of things that were used back then."

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