Woman adopts a 'dog' before realising it's a wolf and everyone is saying the same thing

A woman shared her shocking mistake of adopting a wild animal instead of the puppy she hoped for.

A wolf

The woman took to TikTok to tell followers of the mistake (Image: TikTok/gmoney6782)

A woman accidentally adopted a wolf instead of a dog after she failed to notice the difference between the two animals.

The woman shocked her followers on TikTok when posting a video of the animal explaining how she made the mistake, with her online audience all asking how she could have possibly made the error.

She said she only noticed that what she had adopted was not a dog when she looked at its eyes more closely and noticed they were a different colour to the average dog.

One commenter replied: "How do you even accidentally adopt a wolf"

But another came to the woman's defence saying: "They say dogs and wolves look alike so maybe she thought it was a dog and adopted it?"

The two animals have many similarities with both species sharing 98.8 percent of the same DNA and they can even interbreed.

Both wolves and dogs have similar life expectancies in captivity of between 12 and 14 years along with an impeccable sense of smell.

However, while there are many similarities, the pair are more different than they are alike.

Dogs are obviously domesticated animals and build strong relationships with humans, but wolves are wild animals and build stronger relationships with their own pack.

Wolves also have yellow eyes and are built for running, with narrow chests and long legs.

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Following the social media post many urged the woman to look after the animal and not take it back or abandoned it.

One commenter said: "Well don’t leave him - take care of him."

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