'I got petty wedding revenge on my unhinged mother-in-law but social media says I'm wrong'

One young bride has caused a family rift and people online are brutally telling her she's in the wrong.

Worried bride looking at tablet

The bride's social media post caused a stir (Image: Getty)

A new bride has sparked an almighty storm in both her own family and online, after a controversial omission from her wedding invite list.

The 25-year-old wife took to Reddit to ask fellow social media users to play judge and jury, but the results of her enquiry did not go as expected.

The woman revealed that the crux of the issue centred around her mother-in-law. She explained that following two family bereavements, her mother-in-law’s relationship with her and her husband had grown fraught, culminating in a bombshell falling out over a social media post.

Explaining the situation, the new bride said: “I (25F) married my husband Joe (27M) four months ago. We dated all through high school and college, so we have been in each other's lives and in each other's families for quite some time.

“Joe's father died when we were seniors in high school, and his sister Jill died 3 years ago. Since then, his mother, Jean, has been, in my opinion, unhinged.”

Young man settling conflict between mother and wife, family problems, quarrel

The mother-in-law's row with her son and daughter-in-law has worsened (Image: Getty)

She said that she understood her mother-in-law’s internal strife but added that as a result of it, she had not attended many landmark family events.

She said: “I cannot imagine her sense of loss and I know everyone has their own grief process so I really try not to judge, but she makes everything about her grief. She didn't come to our college graduation because she would never get to see Jill graduate from college.

“We try to be especially kind to her on mother's day, but she spends HOURS at the cemetery and gets very irate if we leave before she's ready to. She insists we give our first child her husband's name as a first or middle name and gets angry when we say we'll name our future children as we see fit. There have been other incidents, too.”

Such is the fractiousness of the relationship between Joe and his mum, their relationship has become “unhealthy”, despite her “relying on him for emotional and sometimes financial support”.

The wedding was what really pushed things over the edge: “It came to a head when we were wedding planning. I invited her to come wedding dress shopping with me, my mom, my grandma, and my maid of honor.

“I told her she did not need to come if it was going to be painful for her, but she said she would be happy to. To all our surprise, she came and brought a wedding gown that Jill had purchased to save for her own wedding someday.

“She said it would help her if I tried it on and I did, which made her cry, but then she insisted that it was my dress and I didn't need to get another one. After multiple refusals, she pouted the rest of the time. It was so awkward for everyone.

“This led to a lot of drama, to the point where Joe (and me, but mostly Joe) did not want her at the wedding because we couldn't trust her to not cause some kind of scene and because we thought it would be terrible for her mental health. We asked her not to come and she agreed not to.

Mother scolding adult son sitting at home on sofa

The mother-in-law and the son's relationship is 'unhealthy' (Image: Getty)
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“I got to have a dance with my dad, and my mom surprised Joe by stepping in for a mother's dance with him. They smiled and laughed the whole time. It was the most special part of our wedding, to me.”

Just when it seemed as if the drama had peaked, things took another turn. Following the wedding, the bride posted a picture from the special day - it didn’t go down well.

“I recently changed my FB [Facebook] cover photo to a picture of Joe and my mom dancing and laughing. Jean saw this and has been coming at us for it, saying it's just a reminder that she was excluded from her son's wedding day.

“I told her I'm not taking it down and that if she doesn't want to see it, she can simply not look at my FB. She says I am inconsiderate of her feelings and that I am an AH for this because 'it drives another wedge' between her and her son.”

Social media was ablaze following the story of the family feud, with not many users going in to bat for the bride.

One user said: “She [the mother-in-law] was excluded from her only living child's wedding and then was faced with a photo of your mom playing his mom for the mother/son dance. I can understand excluding her due to drama, but to then throw it in her face is pretty cruel. It opens up questions and suspicions about if there was actual drama caused by her (and not you and your family).

“You are 100 percent inconsiderate at the very least.”

Another chimed in: “I think it's quite awful to use a picture of Joe and your Mom dancing and laughing. I think it's in poor taste. I would think she could benefit tremendously if she got therapy. It wouldn't be a bad idea to get family therapy.

“She is still grieving the death of her daughter. Expecting you to wear her Jill's wedding dress is weird. If you are concerned about her mental health then why post a picture of your mom laughing and dancing with your husband?”

However, one user did jump to the bride’s defence: “I'm sure I will be voted down. I have much sympathy for you. You were very kind to invite her dress shopping, and I am so sorry that backfired. I understand why you didn't feel she could come to the wedding, but I do think a public posting of a substitute mother is a little disrespectful, knowing the extent of her pain.

“Can you not just enjoy the photo in the private space of your own home? I've been that person excluded. It hurts. You can't fix what's broken, but you can avoid heaping more on the pile.”

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